Freitag, Oktober 4, 2024
latest Machine Vision News

The Common Vision Blox Service Pack

To strengthen CVB´s support for the widest range of compilers, some useful Wizards have been added for the Microsoft .NET-Languages, making CVB being the first vision development environment to offer wizards for VB.Net, VC.Net and C#.Net.

The CVB display speed has been further enhanced by almost 50% which raises the transfer rate from memory into the display from 80 MB/s to 120 MB/s. A new file format enables the user to load a list of images from hard disk or via a network. Particularly interesting is the new emulator function that allows you to test your application by running a continuous simulation using these images to mimic the action of a real frame grabber. The internal pixel lists have been reworked and optimized resulting in a significant overall performance increase in all tools and functions that use these lists.
You can download the CVB Service Pack 1 at no cost from the CVB web site at: from the new download section (menu item "Service"). All that is required is an existing installation of Common Vision Blox 9.0 and it will automatically update the present components.

In addition to the Service Pack, the re-styled Download Section of the CVB website offers you the latest driver software for frame grabbers and cameras as seperate downloadable zip-files. For more information, see the news page "New Download Section" on!

Common Vision Blox, THE Machine Vision Operating System.

Further information:
Gutenbergstr. 9-11
82178 Puchheim / Germany
Phone     +49 89 80902-0
Fax     +49 89 80902-116

Press contact:
Peter Stiefenhöfer
Phone +49 89 80902-220