Transfering CVB images across a network
„Increasingly, the individual components of modern production systems are interconnected via networks with ever increasing bandwidth. At the same time, there is a trend away from proprietary industrial bus systems towards Ethernet with the TCP/IP protocol. Even industrial image processing systems are increasingly being connected to networks of this type in order to transfer the evaluation results to a process control computer or to a diverter unit. \r\n\r\nAccording to this trend, Common Vision Blox in release version 8.0 is now ready for networking: CVB Connect provides the ideal solution for transfering camera images across a network. CVB Connect makes it possible to send image data obtained from a CVB-compatible image capture device directly across the network. On the image source side, a special server control handles network communication tasks as and when required.\r\n\r\nThe use of the TCP/IP protocol allows any TCP/IP supporting medium to be used as the network (the simplest case: Ethernet). TokenRing networks or Wireless-LAN architectures may also be used. The fact the image data is transferred in uncompressed form means that the greater the available bandwidth, the better.\r\n\r\nAreas of application for CVB Connect are e.g. the monitoring of the current production by transferring the image to a computer in the control center, the transfer of a pre-processed image to a number of computers for further parallel processing, the transfer of errored images for archiving on special mass storage media, or remote maintenance of software and frame grabber settings. \r\n\r\nFor more information, visit\r\n\r\n“;0;63;4;“STEMMER“;““;0;““;0;0;0;0;0