Donnerstag, September 19, 2024
latest Machine Vision News

EVT announces the new Version 1.5 of their Vision Systems Family EyeSpector

Parallel to the additional software features, the power of the system hardware has optional increased to 1 Ghz – this calculation power enables solutions on the level of actual PC systems. There is also an improvement in the communication instructions of the software so that the communication between Systems and the hosts are only a drag an drop instruction. This functionality was initiated by the upcoming requests for robot vision solutions with the EyeSpector systems.


There ist also an optional 3D image processing functionality in the EyeSpector systems, which are also initiated by the robot vision requests.
The build in VB6 compatible EVB (Eye Vision BASIC) Interpreter has improved also in functionality and in speed. So if there is no easy solution with the graphical programming interface it is possible to programm it in the BASIC language. Even complicated tasks like programming a PLC interaction to a machine or a sophisticated image processing can be solved with powerful language.
A big improvement in the image acquistion routines has been, now it is possible to get triggered images while the last image is in process. This is the basis to do high speed image analysis with the System like e.g. stamping control or sorting systems.

More Information about the software and a demo Version of the current software is available on the web
